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Podcast #11 - Trigger Warning!


Today, we find a bunch of dudes talking about feminism in games...and in general! As per the title, some sensitive material (both relating to gender, race, and otherwise) gets talked about rather freely, so fair warning.

Topics range from Prey, Bioshock Infinite, Princess Peach, Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games, Anita Sarkeesian, God of War, Shadows of the Damned, Gears of War 2, F.E.A.R., ludo-narrative dissonance, Max Payne, Biblical manhood, Biblical womanhood, gender politics, breastplates, Dante's Inferno, Tomb Raider, RapeLay, and hentai (yes, hentai).

Categories | Christianity


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 58.55MB - Duration: 1:03:57 m (128 kbps 16000 Hz)

New episode in the works, folks! Just figuring out who's actually going to be on it...