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Theology 101: Theodicy


Theodicy and the problem of evil have been problematic and debatable issues in the Christian tradition for centuries. See us try to comprehend it within the span of an hour...mostly with success, I think? Michael Jones, Eric Anderson, and Andrew Crawford star, even though I never mention two of them at the beginning (trust me, you don't want to know about the editing work that went into this thing...)

Other topics include characteristics of God, apologetics, St. Augustine, Manichees, Neo-Platonism, the privation or corruption of good, Michael Jones' charismatic theory of theodicy, why doesn't God eliminate Satan, is Satan an angel, 2 Corinthians 11:14, Eric Anderson's theodicy, the Garden of Eden, the Flood, the groans of the earth in Romans 8:18-23, animal taming, being OK with paradox, belief as a philosophical matter, what we know or don't know, brainwashing, seminary comparisons, and the importance of relationship with Jesus Christ.

Categories | Christianity


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 54.45MB - Duration: 59:29 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)

New episode in the works, folks! Just figuring out who's actually going to be on it...